Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac

Posted : admin On 14.04.2020
  1. Compare Two Pdf Files For Changes
  2. Is There A Way To Compare Two Pdf Files
  3. Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac Preview
  4. Mac Os Compare Files
  5. How To Compare Two Pdf Files With Adobe Reader
  6. Compare Two Pdf Files For Differences Free
  7. Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac Os X
  1. Software to compare two documents alongside each other to note their dissimilarities find lots of applications. Let’s take the example of PDF documents.PDF documents with the same content might.
  2. Meld allows users to compare two or three different folders for differences. But if a user wants to 'zoom in' and compare files contained in these folders, Meld gives you the ability to do so and launch file comparisons between files contained in different folders or in the same folder.
  3. While writing program files or normal text files, programmers and writers sometimes want to know the difference between two files or two versions of the same file. When you compare two computer files on Linux, the difference between their contents is called a diff.
  4. Use DiffPDF to compare PDF files quickly and easily: Click or drag one PDF; click or drag another PDF; click Compare. DiffPDF is a commercial Windows graphical user interface (GUI) application ideal for office workers. (See also Why Compare PDFs?) DiffPDF shows pairs of pages from the two PDFs being compared with any differences highlighted.

Originally a product for Microsoft Windows, the Beyond Compare team has contributed a fine diff tool to the Mac platform. Like Araxis Merge and DeltaWalker, it goes beyond (pun intended) comparing simple text and also allows diffing Word and PDF contents.

Active5 months ago

Do you know a good way to compare PDF files side-by-side and show the modifications between the two?

I'm looking for Windows software to accomplish this. It would be great if you can post both free and not-free products.

18 Answers

Try WinMerge with the xdocdiff plugin. Both are completely free. No strings attached.

A couple of the comments below suggest they don't see any difference. That means the plug-in isn't installed correctly. Here's how:

Compare Two Pdf Files For Changes

  1. Put the files where the xdocdiff plugin's readme file says to put them (there are two places; I won't list them here as filenames can change, etc. — read the readme)

  2. In WinMerge, go to Plugins > List and tick the 'Enable Plugins' checkbox (this step is missing from the xdocdiff readme)

  3. In WinMerge, choose Plugins > Automatic Unpacking (this was disabled prior to step 2)

Then when comparing, you'll see what look like text files in the comparison windows.

On Linux and Windows you can use diffpdf (which differs from diff-pdf mentioned in this thread).

On Ubuntu install using:

See further this UbuntuGeek page on comparing pds textually or visually.

For Windows, this Diffpdf Windows version works really great. You can download from (scroll down to Win32 static version).

I recently found this and I love it.

Cross platform, free, and works well.

Here is a screenshot of diff-pdf in action - note that the text is not different in the PDF, but only fonts (and correspondingly, layout settings):

The call to obtain that image was:

.. where testA.pdf/testB.pdf are obtained by compiling this simple Latex file with pdflatex (accordingly for each pdf, see comment):

We also needed to compare PDFs at our company and were not satisfied with any of the solutions we found, so we made our own: i-net PDFC. It's not free, but we do offer a 30-day trial.

It's written in Java, so it's cross-platform.

What makes it special is that it compares the content as opposed to only the text (or just converting the pdf to an image and comparing the image). It also has a nice visual comparison tool.

You can also use Adobe Acrobat X. Its has built in PDF comparison functionality under 'View -> Compare Documents.

I wanted to do this (diff PDFs) recently with these requirements:

  • ignore whitespace, line breaks, page breaks, etc.
  • easily see when just a couple words that changed, not just entire lines/paragraphs.
  • color diff output
Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac

I installed pdftotext, wdiff, and colordiff, available in various package managers. (With macports: sudo port install poppler wdiff colordiff)


wdiff <(pdftotext old.pdf -) <(pdftotext new.pdf -) colordiff

Now I can see which words, nicely colored, have changed.

More details: Netcat tool for mac.


Using dwdiff can produce slightly better results.

I also wanted HTML output so this tiny script makes a basic web page with a bit of CSS.

bash pc-script.bash old.pdf new.pdf > q.htlm

Then open q.html with your web browser.

pc-script.bash file:

An example of output can be seen here

If you are comparing text inside a pdf, then Beyond Compare does this.

Not free, but there is a thirty day trial.

Great tool and easy to use :Compare-It v4 (from

Compares many different kind of files.It has some built-in converters, including one for PDF files.

I've used it quite a few times with satisfying results.

Really should try this. Trial version allows comparison for unlimited time.

Don't know it, but there is also comparePDF (not free, but a 30 day trial possible):

Free, Not the best but..

I open both documents up and have them split screen against each other.

Not the most practical solution, but it works!

I have not seen a good DIFF package for PDF files and whilst manual and annoying, my way works!

Here you can upload two pdf's and get back the third one which will display to you the difference between the two.

Excel for mac quick analysis tool. Works on all platforms, theres nothing learn or install and its free.

Another less than ideal solution:

  1. Convert both PDFs to Microsoft Word documents using one of the websites that do this for free.
  2. Use the document comparison functionality in Word.

Depending on how complex the formatting in the PDFs is and the kind of changes you're looking for, this might be OK.

Commercial: You can use the original Adobe Acrobat Professional, for a whopping $449 :
Compare a revised PDF to an earlier version.

If you decide on Acrobat, the comments on this page are pertinent to its use.

For a very primitive form of synchronized scrolling between two pdf files, you can use the following autohotkey script I wrote. It assumes you have two SumatraPDF windows open. Press right to go to the next page in both windows, press left for the previous page.

I used this (non ideal, but for me sufficient) solution:

  • Convert PDF to plain text (in my case with Adobe Reader, free app)
  • Use opendiff (included with XCode, free) and see changes

There is also free online

But it highlights only text differences without images and formatting. And it's too weak in matching unchanged fragments in large files.

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Figuring out how a document has changed from one version to another isn’t always the simplest task. It’s further complicated when that document is longer or more complex, like source code.

The tools collected here can help you analyze and compare your documents and files, as well as merge them if necessary. There are tools to compare everything from Word docs to WAV files, and everything in between (including plenty that support syntax highlighting for code). Some are free and some are paid, and there are options available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

File and Document Comparison Tools

Beyond Compare lets you easily compare files and folders, including text files (with syntax highlighting for HTML), Word Docs, and PDF files, among others. Available for Windows and Linux for $30 (standard edition) to $50 (pro edition).

Kaleidoscope lets you compare text documents (including source code) and images. It has built-in integration with other programs, and can read .psd, .txt, .png, .jpg, and .html files. Available for Mac OS X for €29.

Workshare Compare is an enterprise-level document comparison tool that lets you compare Word documents and text-based PDFs. You can compare one document to multiple others. It’s available for Windows for $145 for a one-year subscription. There’s also a Basic version for $99/year that only compares Word documents.

Doc-Proof works to compare XML, Word, text, and PDF files. It makes it possible to quickly compare fonts, sizes, deletions, insertions, spelling, and location.

ExamDiff is a freeware visual file comparison tool for Windows. It includes automatic change detection, one-click recompare, drag and drop support, and is fully customizable. There’s also a Pro version with more features for $34.99.

Diff Doc can be used to compare Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, RTF, text, HTML, XML, and other document types. It’s available for Windows.

Compare Suite lets you compare by keyword, compare two folders, ignore certain words, and includes syntax highlighting to make it easier to compare code documents. Compare Suite is available for Windows for $70 for a single user license.

WinMerge is an open source differencing and merging tool for Windows. It shows comparisons visually and makes it easy to merge documents.

Araxis Merge is a three-way document comparison, merging, and folder synchronization tool. It can be used to compare source code, web pages, XML, and other text files, as well as Word and Excel documents, PDFs, and RTF files. It’s available for both Windows and Mac OS X for $129 for the Standard version and $269 for the Professional version.

Changes lets you sync folders, compare both code and prose, and even compare right inside a variety of text and code editors (including Coda and TextWrangler). Changes are available for Mac OS X for $49.95 for a single license.

CodeCompare is a source code comparison tool built on the .NET framework that includes support for syntax highlighting, Visual Studio integration, three-way merge, version control integration, and folder synchronization. Basic functionality is free, but there’s also a Pro version for $49.95.

Compare++ has built-in analysis functions for C/C++, C#, Java, CSS3 and more. It’s available for Windows for $29.95 for a single user.

DiffMerge is a free document comparison and merging tool for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It includes full editing support for compared files, and merging for up to three files.

Pretty Diff is a free web app for comparing code, written entirely in JavaScript.

Is There A Way To Compare Two Pdf Files

Kompare is a graphical difference viewer that lets you compare two text files It’s included in the KDE Software Development Kit.

UltraCompare is a file and folder compare utility that works for text files, Word documents, zip files, and jar archives. In addition to local/network directory compare, it also supports FTP compare. It’s available for Windows for $49.95.

This is a free, bare-bones, web-based comparison tool. Just enter the master text and the second text and choose whether you want it compared inline or side-by-side.

Diffuse is a free Python text comparison and merge tool for Windows and Linux.

Compare & Merge is a file comparison and merging utility for source code, HTML, XML, and other text-based files. It’s available for Windows for $39.95.

Active File Compare has syntax highlighting support for C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, HTML, PHP, XML, and many other programming languages. It can also compare files that exist in Zip, Tar, and GZip archives. It’s available for Windows for $15.95 for a business license or $9.95 for a personal license.

Colored Diffs is a Thunderbird plugin for highlighting differences in CVS or SVN email notifications about changes made by other users.

Compare It! lets you compare not only text files, but also binary and image files, and includes an editing engine. It’s available for Windows for $29.

Compare PDF has support for both PDF and text file comparisons. It can be integrated with other software products. Compare PDF is available for Windows for $35 for a single user license.

Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac Preview

DiffPDF is a free program that lets you compare two PDF files, with both text and appearance views (to check things like reformatting of a paragraph or if an image is changed). There are versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Meld is a free visual comparison and merging tool for Linux. It allows for comparison of two or three documents, and in-place edits. It also allows folder comparisons.

Mac Os Compare Files

Files Compare Tool is a visual comparison app for files and directories. It offers color-coded side-by-side comparison and a powerful editing engine.

Quick Diff is a simple, free online comparison tool. Just copy and paste the two bits of text you want to compare, and indicate whether you want it to compare side-by-side or inline.

FourierRocks is a graphical WAV file comparison tool. It’s open source, and works on the .NET framework.


The tools above can be a great way to compare documents and files. But don’t overlook the document comparison tools built into many programs developers and designers already use. Dreamweaver has built-in tools for comparing documents. So does Google Docs. Even WordPress has comparison tools for posts and pages. Leave us a comment and tell us what your favorite comparison tools are?

How To Compare Two Pdf Files With Adobe Reader


Compare Two Pdf Files For Differences Free

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Compare Two Pdf Files Tool For Mac Os X


by Denis Kryukov September 4, 2019