Netcat Tool For Mac

Posted : admin On 11.04.2020
  1. Snippet Tool For Mac
  2. Nc Netcat
  3. Netcat Website

Available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS, it can be run from the classic command line terminal, or by using a GUI interface. Nmap features. Netcat is one of the oldest network tools in the 'Unixverse', it's been there since 1995, and the last official version is from 2004. Netcat—like so many hacker tools—was created to be a network analysis tool. Developed by a fellow only known as 'Hobbit,' he gave away this tool to the IT community without compensation, but has received scores of accolades.

Build a simple netcat tool that establishes network connections and transfers data.


  • Network


The netcat tool (abbreviated nc on macOS) is a UNIX tool that lets you:

  • Establish outbound TCP and UDP connections.

  • Listen for inbound TCP and UDP connections.

  • Transfer data between a network connection and stdin and stdout.

This sample code shows how you can build nwcat, which provides this functionality and also adds TLS and Bonjour support.

The nwcat tool supports two modes: one that makes an outbound connection and one that listens for an inbound connection. You select the mode using command-line arguments. To make an outbound connection to port 80 on, you run:

To listen for an inbound connection, you supply the -l option and the port number to listen on:

By default, nwcat uses TCP. The -u argument switches to UDP, and the -t argument adds TLS to TCP connections and DTLS to UDP connections. The -b argument enables use of Bonjour service names rather than host names.

Create an Outbound Connection

In the Network framework, a bidirectional flow of data is represented as a connection object (nw_connection_t). If you’re using TCP, there’s a direct mapping between the connection object and the underlying TCP connection. If you’re using UDP, a connection object represents a bidirectional flow of datagrams between a local port and a port on a specific remote peer.

To create an outbound connection object, you must supply a parameters object (nw_parameters_t) and an endpoint (nw_endpoint_type_t).

Create a Parameters Object. A parameters object, of type nw_parameters_t, holds all the parameters necessary to configure a network connection. These include:

  • The protocols involved, like TCP or UDP, or whether to enable TLS.

  • Any options for those protocols.

  • Any constraints on the connection, like whether or not to use the cellular interface.

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To create a parameters object, call either the nw_parameters_create_secure_tcp or the nw_parameters_create_secure_udp convenience function, depending on whether you want to use TCP or UDP.

These functions take two arguments:

  • The first configures the security protocol for the connection. Pass NW_PARAMETERS_DISABLE_PROTOCOL to use no security.

  • The second configures the transport protocol for the connection. Pass NW_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION to get a default configuration.


If you’re curious about enabling TLS or configuring protocol options, look at the create_outbound_connection function for examples of these more advanced features. For example, nwcat supports setting a TLS pre-shared key for both TLS listeners and clients.

Create an Endpoint. An endpoint, of type nw_endpoint_type_t, holds a network host or service name. For an outbound connection, the endpoint determines the remote host to which you want to connect. In most cases this consists of a host name and a port number, but there are other options. For example, you can also create endpoints that target a Bonjour service.

In the nwcat tool, the user supplies a host name and a port number via command-line arguments, and you will need to create an endpoint from those two strings. You do this by calling nw_endpoint_create_host.

These strings support both symbolic and numeric values:

  • The host name can be a DNS name, like, or the string representation of an IP address, like '' for IPv4 or '2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946' for IPv6.

  • The port can be a numeric value, like '80', or a service name, like 'https'.


If you pass in a DNS name, the connection object takes care of DNS resolution for you, handling the complex issue of deciding what IP address to connect to. For outbound connections there’s no need to do your own DNS resolution, and in most cases doing so will result in a worse user experience.

Create the Connection Object. Once you have your parameters object and endpoint, you can create a connection object by calling nw_connection_create.

Start the Connection. To start the connection establishment process:

  1. Call nw_connection_set_queue to set the dispatch_queue_t on which all callbacks will be scheduled. For a simple application like nwcat, you can use the main queue for your callbacks. A more complex application would typically use a custom serial queue instead.

  2. Free rdp list. Install any update handler blocks. The most important of these is the state changed handler, discussed below.

  3. Start the connection by calling nw_connection_start.

You must set your queue before starting the connection, and you cannot change the queue after that.


The connection object closes the underlying network connection when its last reference is released. Thus, you must retain the connection object, by calling nw_retain, until you’re done with the connection.

A state changed handler is a block that’s called by the connection object whenever the connection state changes. For a simple application, like nwcat, you can use a very simple state changed handler.

Make sure you handle the nw_connection_state_cancelled state. Once the connection is no longer needed, you have to release the reference you took when you started the connection.

Listen for an Inbound Connection

A listener object, of type nw_listener_t, listens for inbound connections and creates a new connection object for each one. To create a listener object you must supply a parameters object (nw_parameters_t) to indicate what protocols to use and information about the local endpoint on which you want to listen.

Create a Parameters Object. Creating a parameters object for a listener object is very similar to creating a parameters object for an outbound connection. Use the nw_parameters_create_secure_tcp and nw_parameters_create_secure_udp convenience functions to define which protocols you want your listener to use. These parameters will be applied to any inbound connections your listener accepts. For example, if you enable TLS in the parameters object, all inbound connections will negotiate TLS once you call nw_connection_start.

Set a Local Endpoint. A listener object must know what local endpoint to listen on, that is, the endpoint to which clients must connect. The local endpoint can include a port number and an interface address, both of which are optional. If you don’t specify a port number, the system chooses a port for you. If you don’t specify an interface address, the system listens on all interfaces and addresses.

Most applications don’t need to listen on a specific interface address and thus can create a listener using the nw_listener_create_with_port convenience function. However, nwcat allows the user to specify an interface address (via a command line argument) and thus you have to use a slightly more complex technique. If the user has specified an interface address or a port, you can call nw_endpoint_create_host to create an endpoint representing the address to listen on, and then call nw_parameters_set_local_endpoint to apply that to your parameters object.

When calling nw_endpoint_create_host to create an endpoint for the local address, keep the following in mind:

  • The port parameter can either be a numeric string, like '443', or a service name, like 'https'.

  • If you pass '0' to the port parameter the system will choose a port on your behalf.

Create the Listener Object. Once you’ve set up your parameters object, you can create a listener object by calling nw_listener_create.

Start the Listener. Starting a listener object is much like starting a connection object, with one significant difference: in addition to setting a state changed handler, you must also set a new connection handler, which is called whenever the listener object receives a new inbound connection.

Accept or Reject Inbound Connections. Your new connection handler is responsible for either starting the network connection or rejecting it. The nwcat command can only handle one connection at a time, so if there’s already a network connection in place, call nw_connection_cancel to reject the new connection. If not, retain the network connection and then run the connection using the same start_connection function you used in the outbound case.

Transfer Data

Once you have created and started a connection, either outbound or inbound, you’ll need code to transfer data on that connection. Each connection has two directions:

  • Inbound data is received from the network connection and written to stdout.

  • Outbound data is read from stdin and sent to the network connection.

Both directions are asynchronous. When receiving data from the network, you supply a completion handler that’s called when data is available. Similarly, when writing data to the network, you supply a completion handler that’s called when the data has been accepted for transmission.

When working with asynchronous networking, you need to consider flow control. For example, if you receive data from the network faster than you can write it to stdout, you’ll waste a lot of memory buffering that data. You’ll have similar problems if you read data from stdin faster than you can send it over the network. You can solve this problem by using asynchronous routines for reading from stdin and writing to stdout. The basic strategy is this:

  1. Start an asynchronous read.

  2. When the read completes, start an asynchronous write.

  3. When the write completes, set up the next asynchronous read, which starts again at step 1.

You use a similar strategy for both inbound and outbound data, but there are some subtle differences, discussed in the sections that follow.

Receive Data. You can receive data with code like this.


While this function is called receive_loop, it’s not actually a loop. Rather, it’s the asynchronous equivalent of a loop, bouncing between an asynchronous receive from the network and an asynchronous write to stdout.

Snippet Tool For Mac

The function starts by calling nw_connection_receive, which is an asynchronous function that receives data from the connection object. nw_connection_receive takes two parameters that control the minimum and maximum amount of data to be received. The exact amount of data received isn’t relevant here, so pass 1 and UINT32_MAX respectively.


The minimum and maximum receive parameters are useful when you’re implementing a record-oriented protocol. Many network protocols transfer records over a TCP stream by sending a record length followed by the record. If you’re working with such a protocol, you can perform an initial receive for the length field and then, once you know the length of the record, do a second receive for the full record body.

When the receive is complete, nw_connection_receive calls the completion handler that you pass it. The completion handler has four parameters:

  • A dispatch_data_t which, if not NULL, contains the data received.

  • A content context, discussed below.

  • An is_complete parameter that is true if the data received is the last part of a logical unit of data.

  • A receive_error parameter, which is not NULL if an error occurred during the receive process.

A content context, of type nw_content_context_t, holds extra information about the data received. A typical application that uses only TCP can often ignore this value entirely. However, a netcat implementation must work equally well with TCP and UDP, and you need the content context to do that.

The completion handler you pass to nw_connection_receive does the following:

  1. It processes any data that was received by starting an asynchronous write to stdout.

  2. When that asynchronous write completes—or immediately if there was no content—it calls schedule_next_receive to continue the receive.

In schedule_next_receive you must handle three cases:

  • If you just received the end of the data stream, call exit to terminate the program. This is how the program stops when the remote peer closes the network connection.

  • If the receive failed with an error, handle that error.

  • Otherwise, start the next asynchronous receive by calling receive_loop.


You must process any received data before checking for the other states (end of data stream or error) because it’s possible for your completion handler to be called with both data and one of the other states.

To check for the end of the data stream:

  • Generally, you can use the technique shown by schedule_next_receive, that is, check both the is_complete flag and that the context is marked as final. This technique works correctly for both TCP and UDP, and thus is necessary for a netcat implementation.

  • If you only handle TCP, you can simply test the is_complete flag.

Send Data. Your send code should have the same basic structure as your receive code.

There are, however, some subtle differences:

  • If, as in this case, you support UDP, you must limit the amount of data you read from stdin. If you read more than 64 Kibibytes (KiB), the resulting read won’t fit in a single UDP datagram. This code use a 8 KiB limit.

  • You must tell the network connection to send the data as a single message by calling nw_connection_send with NW_CONNECTION_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_CONTEXT and passing true to the is_complete parameter. This approach is appropriate for both TCP and UDP connections. For TCP connections, message boundaries don’t affect how the protocol sends data, but the boundaries are required for sending UDP datagrams.

  • Finally, when you receive an end of file from stdin, you must close the send side of your connection. The code for this is shown below.

    This passes a special context, NW_CONNECTION_FINAL_MESSAGE_CONTEXT, and passes true to the is_complete. Together, these actions indicate that no more data will be sent, allowing the network connection to close the sending side of the connection.

See Also


A bidirectional data connection between a local endpoint and a remote endpoint.


An object you use to listen for incoming network connections.

Nc Netcat


An object you use to browse for available network services.


Netcat Website

An object you use to send and receive custom Ethernet frames.

Netcat Tool For MacBeta