Network Management Tool For Mac

Posted : admin On 07.04.2020
  1. Network Traffic Monitoring Tools For Mac
  2. Network Management Tool For Linux
  3. Network Tools For Windows
  4. Free Network Management Tool

Domotz Pro Remote Network Monitoring Software and Network Management System. Device Monitoring. Remote power management. Remote Access. Observium Community is an intuitive SNMP-based network management and monitoring tool that auto-discovers devices on your network and reports back on their status. It runs on Linux and supports a multitude of device types, platforms and operating systems including Cisco, F5, Citrix, Juniper, Windows, Linux and more. Network management made simple with Spiceworks' free network management software. Inventory, monitor, troubleshoot and report on your network for free. Looking for IT asset management? Discover Windows, Mac, and Linux machines, UPS devices, storage and even track non-networked devices. Spiceworks network management tool lets you track. The tool discovers the devices plugged into each port of a specified switch. The tool is useful for system and network engineers to gain visibility into the IP, MAC, status and availability of ports. Since this is a real-time discovery you can also view the operational status and speed of each port.

Apple’s products were once niche devices. Now, following a consumer-led initiative, they are widely used across the enterprise.

Not long ago, the idea of managing Apple machines in the enterprise would have been met with confusion and an answer along the lines of 'we don’t worry about a couple of desktops used in marketing'.

Apple devices, desktops in particular, have been viewed as expensive, limited in application choices and best suited to more creative roles – design, photography, video editing and so on.

They have often been seen as ahead of the market for ease of use (hence the old joke, what do Apple users call Windows 98? Mac 89), but real computer users want a machine you can upgrade, customise and install drivers on, don’t they? Not any more.

Not any more

A mid-sized utilities company recently revealed in an internal survey that, when asked what sort of computer they would like, more than two-thirds chose a Mac. Add this to the consumerisation of mobile IT and the bring your own device (BYOD) trend, and suddenly there are more Apple devices in the organisation than ever before.

Tools to manage Macs

  • Software deployment: Symantec Client Management Suite, DeployStudio, JAMF Software Casper Suite.
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI): from VMware View, Citrix DesktopPlayer, AWW Workspaces desktop as a service.

This only adds to the existing challenge faced by most IT departments of controlling a mass of PC desktops and laptops that are likely to have multiple versions of Windows, despite the recent discontinuing of updates for Windows XP. There will be plenty of other mobile devices and operating systems adding to the confusion but, here at least, tools are starting to appear that support different mobile platforms.

Desktops, tablets, smartphones

Apple has two primary operating systems: OS X and iOS. Upgrade costs for the former are low compared to a traditional PC – in fact, the latest Yosemite operating system will be free to Apple customers. OS X is also Unix-based, which leads to a solid operating system platform for running and managing systems.

The operating system for iPads and iPhones, iOS, shares many basic frameworks with OS X, but has adaptations, for example, in the user interface so it is better suited to touch interaction. There are also restrictions and limitations that prevent it from being fully compatible with Unix. Originally designed and optimised for consumers, there are challenges for enterprise deployment and management.

More articles about Apple in the enterprise

Deploy or BYOD

Moving from a few Macs to a widespread corporate deployment is a big jump. The basic OS X setup process, using the Migration Assistant to transfer settings from another system, is straightforward, but unfeasible when working on several computers. Mass deployments usually require a corporate standard image to be used and installed on all hardware.

Network Traffic Monitoring Tools For Mac

While the Apple enterprise management ecosystem is nowhere near as broad as that of PCs, there are some decent tools worth exploring. First, Apple includes some rudimentary image-management capabilities through NetInstall in its Server app for OS X server (superseding the earlier Server Admin Tools), along with other tools for managing users, sharing, backups and so on.

Network Management Tool For Linux

There are also free tools, such as DeployStudio, that will fill some gaps, and more complete packages, such as JAMF Software’s comprehensive Casper Suite, which integrates well with Apple’s own tools, and Symantec’s Client Management Suite (although this requires Windows on the server side).

Managing the mobile side of products throws up many more options. This is because mobile device management (MDM) suppliers have had to support at least iOS and Android as their first platforms, followed by Windows Mobile and, perhaps, BlackBerry. Improvements to iOS have given it better integration with third-party MDM systems, not only for enrolment and deployment, but for managing apps. Enrolment can be fully automated via the Apple device enrolment programme for corporate-owned devices. And those who have chosen a BYOD approach can allow users access to a self-service enrolment with opt-in and opt-out options.

Managing software

Mac software can be bought through the App Store, delivered automatically and cached through the Apple server platform (for both OS X and iOS devices), and controls can be applied to automate updates in the background or delay restarts until suitable times. As the App Store is now part of Apple’s volume purchase programme, there are significant commercial benefits for enterprise software licensing. These apply to BYOD, as well as traditional corporate device deployments.

Not everyone is impressed with Apple’s enterprise support. Indeed, Facebook and Google developed their own management approach to Macs. For Google, this includes building on the use of open-source tools, such as Munki for software installation and Puppet for configuration management. It also added its own work with CanHazImage for managing system images, and Cauliflower Vest to automate OS X’s FileVault2. Google also used Crankd to respond to system or network events. Facebook, meanwhile, has pushed into security with an intrusion-detection framework called Project Midas (Mac Intrusion Detection Analysis System), working with Etsy.

Further commercial software-management tool options are available in addition to the capabilities from JAMF and Symantec mentioned above, including other management suites such as FileWave and LANDesk.

Integrating with the enterprise

For individual Macs, there are virtual machines, such as Parallels and VMware’s Fusion, and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) systems, from VMware View or Citrix’s DesktopPlayer, which deliver centrally controlled and managed Windows desktops on a Mac. Taking this a stage further, into the cloud, Amazon’s WorkSpaces, a desktop as a service (DaaS), also delivers a managed virtual desktop to most devices

Mac software can be bought through the App Store, delivered automatically and cached through the Apple server platform

Most enterprises, however, have existing models to structure user access to IT systems through groups, user name and password, and very often Microsoft’s Active Directory. Configuring and setting up user accounts, logins and groups can be accomplished for Mac users through preconfiguration, but in different ways to those employed in Windows environments, because the server side tools differ. OS X server tools have some of the necessary functionality, but can be supplemented further with tools such as Centrify’s User Suite Mac Edition and Thursby Software’s ADmitMac, which extends basic Mac capabilities to turn a Mac into a full Active Directory client.

Mobile devices replacing desktops and laptops bring further physical problems although these are not unique to Apple. There are of course security concerns but the loss or theft of the device can be mitigated by good insurance. A choose your own or bring your own device policy, where employees take more care of devices they have a stake in, could also alleviate these concerns. But there still needs to be suitable management of data, applications and mobile devices to protect the digital assets.

Finally, individuals might have their own chargers and devices, but when the model moves to widespread enterprise deployment, further assistance may be of benefit. A quick glance on the Apple store indicates a range of third-party “rack, stack, sync and charge” products from suppliers, such as Bretford, LocknCharge and XtremeMac, which may go some way in aiding automation.

In a few short years, Apple has moved from a specialist minority device provider, popular in certain creative applications, through a consumer-led initiative, into general-purpose enterprise use. Organisations now have to build up the expertise and tools to help manage this fleet, and suppliers, including Apple itself, are starting to recognise the challenges and address the opportunity.

What Is Network Monitoring?

To some it might feel like the local area network (LAN) has lost some of its importance. After all, it's old for a tech buzzword and these days everything is running from the cloud, so how important are local networks anyway? The answer is: Probably more than ever. The LAN is now the 'last mile' in terms of cloud service delivery, and if you're one of those businesses that's utilizing 5, 10, or more cloud services as everyday work tools for your employees, then that's a lot of network traffic competing for LAN bandwidth.

Today more than ever, an unreliable data network can literally bring a business to a standstill. For instance, if the systems attached to your network can't get an IP address by using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), then they won't be able to communicate with any other system. Similarly, if Domain Name System (DNS) isn't functioning properly, then your systems won't be able to look up the address of any system on the internet. The way in which you manage bandwidth and network utilization will directly affect the productivity of all users connected to your corporate network. To help you, we've tested and compared 10 of the top network monitoring software solutions available today. Most are cloud-based and all of them can help you keep your users connected and your network pipes safe.

Some of those services cross over into the category of infrastructure due to the criticality of the service. Monitoring services such as DNS then becomes more of an infrastructure management issue as opposed to a network consideration. DHCP probably fits the same description, although the managing of a DHCP service would be something for which a network administrator would typically be responsible.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) was first introduced in 1998 under Request For Comments (RFCs) 1065, 1066, and 1067. SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 have, for the most part, replaced the initial version and have seen widespread adoption across a variety of platforms. While SNMP is most frequently associated with networking, you can also configure operating systems (OSes), to include Microsoft Windows, to respond to SNMP commands. A key consideration for network management tools should be how they use SNMP to accomplish their tasks.

If you really want to know what's happening on your network, then you'll need to learn something about network flows. NetFlow was originally introduced for Cisco routers, providing the ability to analyze IP network traffic entering or exiting a specific interface. Flow data is sent to a collection point (typically a system running a database) to make query-based analysis easier. Other switch manufacturers followed suit, along with other similar sampling tools such as sFlow. A large number of networking hardware vendors including Arista Networks, Brocade Communications Systems, Hewlett-Packard, and others provide native sFlow support. You can find a full description of sFlow under RFC 3176.

Important Features

A number of key features stand out as specific needs to adequately fulfill the role of network management. For one, from an administrator's perspective, it's nice to have visual graphics that give you a quick overview of the current system status. Having the ability to tweak the arrangement of graphical elements on a dashboard is an added plus. Providing a mechanism to alert someone of a problem is necessary across the board.

IP Address Management (IPAM) has become a vital capability for many large organizations. Keeping track of statically assigned addresses, along with a large number of DHCP pools, can't be adequately managed with a manual system. Integrating IPAM with a network management tool just makes sense as the same person quite frequently handles both functions.

Automation is the key to managing large numbers of devices. The more you can automate small administration tasks, the more efficient the process becomes. Automated alerting and repair fall into this category and represent a key differentiator between products. Add to that the ability to remotely connect to your monitoring system, and you have the makings of a solid product.

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a hot topic and not without a significant level of confusion—unless you happen to be either a vendor or a technologist with a vested interest. At a very high level, the term SDN is used to describe the functional separation of the network control plane and the forwarding plane, making it possible to dynamically configure data paths for optimum performance. None of these products really get into SDN, except at the top level of monitoring the performance of a switch.

How We Tested

In this roundup, we call out several areas to help focus the evaluation. While installation and setup is something you really only do once, it's still an area of interest. For the network management category, the initial configuration may include making changes to your switches in order to enable the transmission of NetFlow or sFlow data. Changes to production switches typically require a significant amount of justification and approval prior to implementation. It would be prudent to prove any of these test methods on a small test network before moving onto any larger environment.

That being said, we used an HP Procurve 3800 managed switch as the primary sFlow source. Enabling sFlow on the switch required the entry of a number of commands at the switch command line interface (CLI) over an SSH connection. We also had to upgrade the switch firmware to the latest version for everything to work correctly. At least one product (ManageEngine OpManager) provided a script to enable sFlow along with a one-page 'how-to' document to do that for you.

From an administrator's perspective, the user interface (UI) must be easy to navigate and customize. It should quickly present any problem areas and allow an operator to drill down for more specifics without a huge number of clicks. The customization of the UI and management of features must not require a programmer to make it properly work. Alerting is a basic requirement, with the ability to customize the priority and delivery an equally important feature.

Reporting should be equally as easy to administer. Creating a new report with a query specific to the information of interest should not require a database administrator. Extra points are given here for useful graphics and multiple export formats. Role-based access may not be a big deal for a small organization but it would be for a group with multiple IT administrators.

The bottom line with network management is to keep the network smoothly functioning, with an eye on overall usage. Having the ability to see trends and potential problems can help stave off any future problems and add value to any product.

How to Buy

The first step for any IT project is to define the requirements. For network management tools, the foundational pieces include the ability to see detailed information about key pieces of hardware such as switches and routers. Many organizations don't have the staff to monitor computer screens 24/7. Automated alerting and remediation would be a key requirement in that case to help reduce the administrative manpower required. Trend-based reporting and monitoring help determine utilization levels and identify potential bottlenecks before they become a problem. Good reporting tools would be another requirement, to include the ability to create customized reports and queries.

Network Tools For Windows

Once you have that list of essential requirements, you should be able to look at each one of these products and determine if they meet those requirements or not. If more than one product qualifies, you'll need to do some testing on your own to see which one best suits your needs. Pricing varies, starting with free, then from a low-end, per-server, per-month of $1.24 up to a purchase price of $1,995 for up to 50 devices.

Featured Network Monitoring Software Reviews:

Free Network Management Tool

  • LogicMonitor Review

    MSRP: $375.00

    Pros: Agentless, comprehensive and secure systems monitoring service. Excellent online help and technical support options. Sophisticated alert, collaboration, and workflow management features. Customizable dashboards put monitoring and in-depth troubleshooting information at technician's fingertips. Comprehensive and customizable reporting.

    Cons: High volume of information and multiple customization options make it rather complex. Steep learning curve for those not familiar with monitoring tools and services.

    Bottom Line: LogicMonitor is a venerable management tool that still sports cutting edge tools, including collaboration, workflow, and excellent dashboarding capabilities. Its steep learning curve my keep it out of reach of small businesses, but for those serious about their web properties, LogicMonitor is an able solution.

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  • Paessler PRTG Network Monitor Review

    MSRP: $0.00

    Pros: Hierarchical device view summarizes performance data and alerts at every level. QR codes corresponding to a particular device or sensor can be printed out and attached to physical hardware for quick monitoring from a mobile app while in the data center.

    Cons: Some functionality in Enterprise Console redirects you to the web console; however, this will change with Paessler PRTG Desktop when it's introduced. Sensor-based licensing model could get expensive in organizations running many roles per device.

    Bottom Line: Paessler PRTG Network Monitor does s solid job as both an infrastructure management tool as well as a network monitor. Companies of all sizes could make good use of this package.

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  • ManageEngine OpManager Review

    MSRP: $1995.00

    Pros: Customizable user interface even more visually pleasing thanks to updates done since our last review. Support for Cisco UCS, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, and VMware vCenter.

    Cons: Everything must be installed on-premises. Cloud management requires a different product.

    Bottom Line: ManageEngine OpManager primarily focuses on infrastructure management, but also gives IT generalists some good application performance management and network monitoring features.

    If you haven’t decided yet which software to use on your Mac for your next Infographics project, we hope this top 3 list will help you. Best design tool for mac free. Especially if you are not and you will use it only for a single project.

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  • Spiceworks Network Monitor Review

    MSRP: $0.00

    Pros: It's free. Extensible with other (not free) products. Good basic monitoring. Easy to use and understand.

    Cons: The product is at the end of its life and will eventually be replaced by a new cloud-based product.

    Bottom Line: Spiceworks Network Monitor is mature, free, and very slick, with enough IT punch to act as a one-stop IT shop for small to midsize businesses. It also gives you access to the Spiceworks community, which is an informed and responsive IT expert community.

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  • Datadog Review

    MSRP: $15.00

    Pros: Agent installation can be automated. Advanced graph functionality. High level of customization. Now offers over 200 built-in integrations plus an API.

    Cons: Heavy learning curve to several key features.

    Bottom Line: Datadog is an infrastructure management service that's ideal for IT shops that can fully leverage its automation, application programming interface (API), and data analysis capabilities. Datadog also offers many integrations, dashboards, and alerts that smaller companies will find useful.

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  • ConnectWise Automate Review

    MSRP: $1.00

    Pros: Ability to automate agent installation, and manage system and vendor patch deployment. Ability to offer self-service options to users. Allows multiple vendors to integrate with ConnectWise Automate, supporting use of their products without leaving the software.

    Cons: Some functionality requires plug-ins, URL changes. On-premises installation requirements.

    Bottom Line: ConnectWise Automate, formerly known as LabTech, does a solid job as an agent-based infrastructure and network monitoring platform with good support for self-service and third-party integration.

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  • Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector 1200 Review

    MSRP: $1095.00

    Pros: Self-establishing mesh network ensures reliable coverage. Network controller offers management and monitoring as well as IPS features such as rogue detection. Supports very high speed wireless connections.

    Cons: Must use Ruckus access points.

    Bottom Line: The Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector 1200 WLAN Controller can bring enterprise-grade wireless network management into small and medium businesses transparently and without the need for wireless networking expertise.

    Read Review
  • Idera Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Review

    MSRP: $125.00

    Pros: Good use of graphical elements on dashboards to visualize system status. Out-of-the-box support for VMware vCenter Hyper-V and Zen. Comprehensive and flexible reporting.

    Cons: Some plug-ins require additional installation such as Python. Error conditions displayed on dashboard graphics are not clickable.

    Bottom Line: Idera Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is a comprehensive infrastructure management choice for midsize IT shops due to its ability to manage cloud-based infrastructure and its decent support for third-party plug-ins.

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  • Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold Review

    MSRP: $2656.00

    Pros: Good-looking user interface and dashboards with useful data presentation. Utilizes existing management protocols such as SNMP and WMI to gather its information.

    Cons: Everything must be installed on-premises.

    Bottom Line: Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold is a comprehensive infrastructure management service. Its new version offers capabilities such as cloud performance monitoring for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure as well as billing performance monitoring.

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  • Vallum Halo Manager Review

    MSRP: $895.00

    Pros: Built on open-source software. Extendable feature set through apps. Decentralized architecture has its benefits.

    Cons: App installation is a three-step process per app. Very limited reporting capabilities. Minimal alert functionality.

    Bottom Line: Vallum Halo Manager keeps things simple, with features through apps that can be delivered quickly, and a decentralized architecture. But major usability concerns in the form of app installation and reporting prevent Halo from being a solid competitor in the network monitoring and infrastructure management arena.

    Read Review