Xslt Tool For Mac

Posted : admin On 10.04.2020

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Active6 months ago

XSLT: Where can I find a tool to generate a XSL from a XML? What is the best way to convert XML to CSV including child tags (I have to keep delimiter instead of null value or is there no tag in xml)? What’s the best tool to use to convert non-RDF data to RDF? Oxygen XML Editor it a multi-platform tool for XML editing. Being one of the leading and advanced level of XML editor, Oxygen XML Editor delivers the most state of the art helpful tool for XML editing and other advanced level of editing tools. EditiX is the name of a quality generated XML editor and XSLT editor for Mac OS X, Windows. MOSO Xmplify XML Editor for Mac OS X is a powerful new XML editor built specifically for Mac OS X. Xmplify provides a fully XML-aware editing environment with DTD and XML Schema-based auto-completion, automatic document validation, XSLT and XPath support, live HTML preview and much more. SharedPlan is a project planning and management tool for Mac OS X and Windows OCo install it and use it on your computer, anywhere, anytime. SharedPlan is our entry-level product but don't underestimate the power it brings to your project planning and management.

I want to change an XML file to a modified XML file via an XSLT file and XSLT processing tool.

For example: xsltprocess.exe -src a.xml -dest b.xml -xslt c.xslt

Can anyone assist me? Process mapping tools software.

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closed as off-topic by Dave Jarvis, Pang, johnny 5, xskxzr, greg-449May 1 '18 at 7:09

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8 Answers

If you are looking for an XSLT processor you can use Saxon: http://saxon.sourceforge.net/

You can see the command line options here: http://saxon.sourceforge.net/saxon6.5.1/using-xsl.html

Mathias SchwarzMathias Schwarz

Microsoft has a simple command line tool that wraps their XML Parser - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21714.

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As @Mathias said though, it only supports XSL 1.0 while Saxon supports XSL 2.0.

To run the convertor you downloaded from the given URL run this command

msxsl.exe backEnd.xml inspectcode.xslt -o backEnd.html

This will tranform the xml file using the xslt file into the output file in html format

Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez
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You can use AltovaXML XSLT 1.0/2.0 engine (also well-formedness and validity checking). There is free of charge community edition with direct (I mean without Java) command line interface e.g.:

Xslt Tool For Mac

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Check AltovaXML.chm help file for usage.

Grzegorz SzpetkowskiGrzegorz Szpetkowski
31.3k4 gold badges72 silver badges117 bronze badges

There are lots of XSLT 1.0 processors available, and a handful of XSLT 2.0 processors, and as far as I know every single one of them runs on Windows and can be called from the command line. If your problem is choosing between them, then you're going to have to tell us more about your requirements and constraints.

Michael KayMichael Kay

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This program is the simplest way to use libxslt.http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/xsltproc2.html


The Win32 directory has a lot of goodies, next to precompiled binaries for use on commandline.

I'm not linking to the directory directly, since the root of the project has a rich set of tools for - good for everyone's flavor of the month :)

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XQSharp includes an XSLT 2.0 command line processor. See the Xslt Command Line Reference documentation for details.


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You can find some XSLT engine wrappers, XSLer and XSLTransform (one in Delphi and one in .NET) with source code at https://github.com/zoomicon/tranXform

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George BirbilisGeorge Birbilis
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