Kafka Tool For Mac
Posted : admin On 05.04.2020Thank you for downloading Kafka Tool for Mac from our software portal. The download was scanned for viruses by our system. We also recommend you check the files before installation. To download the Kafka UI Tool for your operating system, use the links below. All versions of Kafka Tool come with a bundled JRE with the exception of the Linux version. For Linux, you must have Java 8 installed on your operating system before using Kafka Tool.
I have installed kafka- using homebrew as mentioned in the below linkhttps://dtflaneur.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/installing-kafka-on-mac-osx/
Snippet Tool For Mac
i have configured only 1 broker.
Zotero tool bar for mac. Able to run zookeeper,kafka ,consumer,producer and publish messages using producer console and see messages in consumer console..
but when im trying to run below script im seeing this script is missing.
- kafka-consumer-groups.sh
basically i want to see the
- consumer group list
- number of partitions available (would like to know the number of partitions present in broker)
and when i ran echo $KAFKA_HOME it gives empty i mean no value..
but when i ran brew install kafkaWarning: kafka- already installed
im concerened if kafka is installed properly.please suggest
able to see below scripts under usr/local/bin/
not sure if any other scripts were than which i pointed out..
shiv455shiv4551 Answer
is only available from 0.9
Each topic (not broker) consists of partitions, so to check out partitions of a topic you can use:/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic your_topic_name
I don't know about brew installation of Kafka, since I'm using Docker, where you have a single command installation and you don't mess with your local file system. I wholeheartedly suggest that you try that (I can provide you with more details about that if you choose to go the Docker way).
Marko Bonaci