Conficker Removal Tool For Mac

Posted : admin On 04.04.2020
The Conficker Virus can only affect Windows users:
Are you also running Windows, or is your Mac on a networks that includes Windows PSc?
If not you don't have it, but it is possible you may be passing it on via an email attachment from a Windows user.
You may find this User Tip on Viruses, Trojan Detection and Removal, as well as general Internet Privacy, useful:
Regarding MacScan, First update the MacScan malware definitions before scanning. You can also contact their support team for any additional support -
Security of OS X generally:
  1. Mcafee Conficker Removal Tool

Ms paint for mac. Feb 28, 2011 10:30 AM

Mcafee Conficker Removal Tool

The Conficker worm is supposed to take active steps on Wednesday to protect itself against detection and removal. But if you use Mac OS X you have nothing to worry about -- unless you also use. Conficker: How to prevent it and remove it. The Conficker/Downadup worm, which first surfaced in 2008, has infected thousands of business networks. Unpatched computers are most at risk of infection, with Conficker exploiting these computers by overcoming weak passwords and propagating itself through unprotected USB storage devices. Mal/Conficker-A can be removed with either Sophos Anti-Virus or the standalone Conficker removal tool. For a more detailed guide to cleaning up a Conficker infection on a Windows network, please refer to the knowledgebase article.